Hypertension True Definition

There are not many writings on hypertension true definition - but quite a few on Hypertension General Definition -

On this website you will receive a Hypertension True Definition - explained through a living experience.

Bad News For An Intermediate Elderly Man

I was an 80 year old man in 2007, when I was diagnosed having Primary Hypertension - a Type that has no known medical cause or cure and requiring medication the rest of my life.

What Should I Do?

The first thing I wanted to do was to learn as much as I could

about Primary Hypertension - starting with a plain and simple definition.

I learnt that the basic definition is the same for all

levels of blood pressure:

  • Hypertension (HT)
  • High Blood Pressure (HBP)
  • Normal Blood Pressure (NBP or BP)
  • Low Blood Pressure (LBP)
The Process In Defining Blood Pressure:

  • Define - to give precise meaning of a word or expression
  • Describe - giving details of its characteristics
  • Explain - clarify the behavior, purposes or actions that are clear and understood.
Blood Pressure Is In The Flow:

The pressure starts with the heart beating, pumping, forcing and

pressuring the blood to flow –

from the left side of the heart, oxygenated blood flows to -

the upper body - lungs, arms and head - at the same time -

to the lower body - liver, small intestine, kidney and legs.

After the blood has made all its deliveries to these different parts of the body - through arteries, small arterioles and capillaries - the blood has becomes de-oxygenated.

All this de-oxygenated blood returns - by way of the veins - to the right side of the heart - the heart sends this blood to the lungs to be oxygenated again and then -

the lung sends this to the left side of the heart to repeat the blood circulatory cycle.

During this circulatory cycle there will always be pressure within the heart -

but also added pressure from the walls of the arteries and any other pressure factors that will effect the

total blood pressure - part of the process in defining hypertension.

What Is Your Doctor Telling You?

Most medical doctors have defined Hypertension as a Chronic Disease.

Respectively, I disagree with that definition of hypertension.

The Hypertension True Definition is a Symptom, a Sign or Register or an indication of something happening in the body that is - undesirable -

Physically, Mentally or Spiritually - in the form of (Disease, Sickness or Illness).

Making A Point Using Temperature

Your doctor takes your body temperature, and it is very high - the high temperature is only a symptom - so the doctor will examine for a cause.

After a few tests, the doctor finds the cause for your high temperature - gives you some information and a prescription for medication - and you are on your way.

The next day your temperature is back to normal - the cause or condition was treated and cured - then there is no longer a symptom.

Making A Point Using Secondary Hypertension

Your doctor takes your blood pressure, and it is very high - the high blood pressure is a symptom of an unfavorable medical condition - so the doctor will examine for a cause.

After extensive tests, the doctor diagnosed a particular organ that is diseased - which is the cause.

After some treatments, the diseased organ is cured and the high blood pressure returned to normal and there is no longer a symptom.

Because the doctor found a diseased organ which was the primary cause - this Hypertension was defined as a disease but classified as a Type called Secondary Hypertension - a symptom that has a known cause.

Making A Point Using Primary Hypertension

The doctor took my blood pressure - it was higher than normal - above 160/95 mmHg - this is considered Hypertension.

Since my doctor could not find a cause, my hypertension was defined as a Chronic Disease and classified as a

Type called Primary Hypertension - that has no medically known cause or cure. I was to be treated for a medical condition that was diagnosed as:

  • an assumed disease
  • with an unknown cause
  • with unknown cure
  • using trial medications
  • with unknown results
  • and
  • unknown side effects
- That was my medical situation.
Solving The Mystery
Of The Silent Killer

Historical records as far back as 2600 BC report that a disease was treated called "hard pulse disease" - also known as Hypertension.

We are looking at nearly a 3000-year time frame and this symptom ,hypertension is still being defined as a chronic disease.

It is Critical, Crucial, Extremely Important and Absolutely Necessary that hypertension be truly and accurately defined. We have witnessed tremendous changes and improvements through the efforts of our doctors and scientists in treating high blood pressure.

But understanding the Hypertension True Definition is the first step toward solving this medical mystery, The Silent Killer

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